If you have come a bit late to the party and feel that aiming to see 200 bird species in the remaining few months of the year is a bit much, here are some alternative suggestions of challenges you could set yourself for what is left of 2020.
Perhaps 200 birds is too much to aim for now. But, then again, at the right site, you could possibly see about 100 species in single a day, with a fair wind! So, how about 150 bird species as a decent compromise? There is, after all, a quarter of the year still left.
October is one of the best months for building a decent list. Lots of our summering species are still (just about) here, and many of the wintering birds will be arriving during the month. It is also the longest month of the year (with an extra hour during the last Sunday of the month!), so how about trying to see 100 species in this month alone?
How about seeing 50 species from your own garden during the year? This sounds like a tough challenge (especially with only four months left in the year), but you could always assign your own target number. As is the case with My200BirdYear, rules are very flexible and up to you; no one is judging you, this is just for fun!
Here are a few more challenges you may want to consider:
How many waders can you see?
How many birds can you see within two miles of your home
This could be a tough one, requiring one or two scarce species (such as Rough-legged Buzzard or Goshawk)
One for wildfowl enthusiasts. Readily possible, but challenging.
Images: Alamy, Tom Bailey, Jake Kindred, Mark Cureton