It’s simple really! Here at Bird Watching magazine we want to encourage as many people as possible to see more birds than ever, and our #My200BirdYear does just that!
You don’t need any fancy equipment, although a pair of birdwatching binocularsdoes help, you can do it by yourself, with a friend or with a total stranger! You can do it in England, Wales or deep in the Amazon Rain forest. We’ll be providing help and advice in every issue of Bird Watching, there’s additional online content to steer you towards your target, and there’ll be regular Readers’ Days at which you can meet the BW team, get tips from them and reserve wardens, and add new species to your list at some of the UK’s best birding spots. We have a ready-made community on Facebook which you can join here and our sponsors will throw in competitions, discounts and expert advice to help you with your birding year.
It’s not a race, you may smash through your 200 goal or only do half - but the aim of your #My200BirdYear challenge is to do what you love to do most, birdwatching!
Simply complete the form below to sign up to #My200BirdYear