Focus Optics originated nearly 40 years ago, when then poultry farmer Arthur Day, who had a real passion for birding and wildlife, recognised a niche for an optical equipment supplier in the Warwickshire/Midlands region. He advertised the fledgling business in every copy of Bird Watching magazine since its launch in 1996.
Tim Fallowell, who many of our customers know well, joined Arthur and his wife Jan in those early years and together they grew the business into the success it is today. They also developed a repair service for many optics and tripods, along with excellent relationships with suppliers and manufacturers that continue to serve us well.
Our elevated, rural location to the north-west of Coventry and east of Birmingham, makes us ideally situated for many passing species, as demonstrated by our extensive ‘site list’. Obviously, it also helps, having very keen birdwatchers from all over the country testing binoculars and scopes over the reserve most days.
Arthur and Tim constructed a pool to encourage visiting species of birds and a good selection of wildlife, and started planting mixed woodland around the site. As farm buildings became redundant, they were demolished to make way for further woodland planting. Arthur also took it upon himself to purchase neighbouring farmland as and when it became available, to add to the reserve and to protect it and its growing and maturing wildlife community from the risk of development. He added wildflower meadows and established several further coppices, naming them Oak Wood, Ash Wood, Corley-Dell and Top Spinney.

Over the years, our customer base has grown and we enjoy the support of many returning customers and their friends, who call on us by recommendation. All really appreciate the opportunity afforded by our site to test and compare multiple instruments, side by side in a leisurely relaxed atmosphere, observing birds on one of the best retail viewing facilities in the UK. Our extensive range of equipment also includes a good selection of approved quality ‘used equipment’, allowing the purchase of high-end optics with a reduced budget.
Engaging with their customers, Arthur and Tim became aware of a need for other birding related equipment. Thus, began the adjoining ‘Willow Centre’, where you can choose from a selection of good quality clothing, specific to birding and wildlife observation, to face all manner of weather conditions whilst enjoying your hobby. The business has also developed an extensive range of bird feeders, bird feed and books, covering birding sites and topics, both domestically and globally.
Sadly, we lost Arthur, early in 2019, but his legacy lives on in Tim’s capable hands, securing and preserving the business and the reserve in Arthur’s memory.
This year we are joining with Bird Watching magazine and Leica in supporting #My200BirdYear, to engage with our more committed birding customers, and giving our more casual customers the opportunity to engage more deeply with their hobby.