HIKMICRO Habrok 4k HE25L

Hikmicro’s new thermal imaging device, the entry-level Habrok 4K HE25L combines 4k UHD digital binoculars with a revolutionary thermal channel, taking the form of traditional binoculars but with advanced features which do much more than conventional optics ever could.

The HE25L combines a 256px sub 35mK NETD thermal spotting channel with a 4K 5.5-22x digital optical channel, plus built-in infrared night vision, recording & playback of images & video, and a 1,000m laser range finder – perfect for: • Birding • Wildlife • Ecology • Search & Rescue.
Hikmicro’s thermal imaging technology focuses on the difference between the temperature of the target bird or mammal and the background to help you find and discover! At the same time, Hikmicro developed a 4K Day Mode channel for the COMS channel, combining Day Mode and Night Mood to help enhance the user's viewing experience while replacing traditional binoculars.

The above composite image shows a baby Wren begging (while hiding) at the base of a buddleia bush in Bird Watching assistant editor Mike Weedon's front garden. Clockwise from top left: Digital Optical; White Hot; Black Hot; Fusion. Red Hot is like White Hot but the whitest areas on the birds cheeks appear red. The vegetation is cold, while next door's driveway (behind the Wren) has warmed up in the June sunshine.

The basic premise is that the thermal channel finds more and the digital optical channel sees more.
Thermal Channel Finds More
Birds and animals are perfectly evolved to be concealed in their surroundings, but the Habrok 4K thermal channel reveals their body heat, finding subjects that no analogue optic can detect. For birdwatchers, could be birds concealed in vegetation, like skulking Jack Snipes of Bitterns among Juncus or reeds, or passerines in foliage, or birds in low light or even in the dark.
Digital Optical Channel Sees More
Meanwhile, in optical mode, the 5.5-22x60 4K optical resolution and starlight sensitivity, with amazing digital zoom, plus built-in IR torch, delivers exceptional performance; from daylight to twilight to complete darkness. Furthermore, unlike fixed magnification binoculars, the Habroks can vary from 5x to 22x, allowing a wide angle or very close up view of the subject, within a range of up to 150m.
The high-tech Full-Color 4K UHD detector of HABROK 4K provides crystal-clear images during the daytime, but is still capable of producing clear images even into twilight. So, you can watch birds (or mammals, or any other subject), in detail with natural looking colours.
Inbuilt recording for instant playback, identification and sharing
•Audio Recording • Video Recording • Local Album • App Connection
• Naked Eye • Thermal Channel • Habrok 4K Digital Optical

The binoculars have eyecups which can be slid together for the optimum inter pupillary distance (to combine together to make a single image, just like on ‘normal’ binoculars, as well as dioptres which are adjusted to focus the display. The right barrel (with a red ring at the end) is for focusing the various thermal modes, while the unmarked left barrel is for focusing in optical mode (which is a digital mode, rather than purely optical on conventional binoculars).
Switching between modes is as easy as pressing the right hand button closest to the infra-red torch. Modes include White Hot; Black Hot; Fusion; Red Hot; and Digital Opitcal. With White hot, the hottest temperatures appear whitest; with Black Hot, the hottest temperatures are black; Fusion shows the coloured image with brighter, warmer colours representing the temperature of the subject; and Digital Optical is the digital equivalent of conventional binoculars.
Bird Watching's Mike Weedon took the Habrok binoculars out one evening in June to a known nesting site of Long-eared Owls near his home. The owls already had a young baby out of the nest, but it was nearly impossible to find hidden in the dense foliage in the upper branches in the small plantation near where the Long-eared Owls had nested.
The composite photo below shows the results (see the caption below).

The top left image (in Digital Optical mode) shows how well the baby Long-eared Owl was concealed. However, in White Hot mode (top right), the warmth of the owl shines out from the surrounding vegetation. The bottom row shows the same results (left to right) with Fusion, Red Hot and Black Hot modes.
See also:
HIKMICRO Habrok 4k HE25L is available from: