Situated where three major North American flyways meet, over 250 bird species are regularly found in the Saskatoon area. June and July alone offer approximately 150 species within grassland, wetland and forest habitats, while warblers, flycatchers, vireos and shorebirds are plentiful in the migration months of May and August.
The spectacular courtship displays of the Sharp-tailed Grouse, best seen in April and May, have inspired indigenous Plains Cree dances for generations. Sprague’s Pipits sing in June and July. Flocks of elegant and endangered Whooping Cranes, North America’s tallest bird, are regularly seen from late September through mid-October. Saskatchewan winters even boast the world’s highest concentration of Snowy Owls.
Half-day, Full-day and Two-day Guided Birding Tours are offered throughout the year. For more information, contact:
EMAIL: birdtours@sasktel.net
Please include intended travel dates.
All proceeds support the local Living Sky Wildlife Rehabilitation charity.